How To Effectively Deter The Rats In And Around Your Merrimac Home

Do you know why rats love breaking into homes here in Merrimac? It isn’t to watch TV with you and your family. In fact, these furry pests go out of their way to avoid interacting with humans. The main reason rats invade homes is to find food, something to drink, and a place to hide. Here is how to deter wild rats here in Merrimac and some clever strategies to remove an infestation from your home. If you are here seeking a professional option to address these pests, contact Freedom Pest Control. Let our team show you what pest control in Merrimac is supposed to look like.

big rat in a basement

Where Do Rats Like To Hide?

Rats are fairly plump rodents, but these furry pests can easily squeeze through wall and ceiling voids in most homes. They use hidden pathways in these voids to travel throughout homes. Where do rats hide? These rodents like to shelter in secluded areas like basements, attics, ventilation systems, chimneys, and inside storage boxes. If you suspect you have rats in your attic or other areas of your home, let our team have a look. Our detailed rodent inspection options are great for detecting invasive species like rats wherever they are hiding.

Is It Possible To Have A Rat-Free Home Without Killing Them?

You do not have to live with vermin rats. The only question is, is there a way to remove these pests without killing them? Absolutely. Many pest control companies offer trapping and relocation services for rodents and wildlife. This humane option is extremely popular. It can be, however, more difficult than conventional elimination strategies. We recommend talking with one of our pest control professionals about your options. We will walk you through our process and help you decide if humane rodent control best fits your need. Can you remove rats on your own without killing them? We do not recommend it. A fun fact about rats is that these pests are hard to deal with and will bite if they feel trapped or threatened. It is always best to leave the pest control care of your home to professionals.

Five Ways To Deter Rats

If you do not like the thought of rats crawling around inside your walls, you need some preventative measures in place. Here are five simple methods to deter rats today:

  1. Keep your home clean. Cleaning should involve keeping up with your dishes, wiping down countertops daily, and addressing food messes as they occur.
  2. Seal your home’s exterior foundation. Do this by filling in cracks and gaps using caulk.
  3. Make sure all of your windows and doors are in good condition and properly sealed. You may need to replace door sweeps, weatherstripping, or screens.
  4. Buy trash cans that have tight-fitting lids.
  5. Store your leftovers, pantry items, and pet food inside airtight containers.

For more help with deterring rats, get our team involved. We offer amazing short and long-term options to handle all types of rodents.

Total Rat Control For Merrimac Residents

Whether you have lots of rats indoors or just one causing you headaches, our team is ready to help. The professionals at Freedom Pest Control take rodents seriously and work hard to protect members of our community against these problematic pests. All you have to do is let us know you need help.

Contact us to schedule a detailed rodent inspection for your Merrimac home and property. We will visit you ASAP.

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