About American Dog Ticks

American dog ticks as their name describes, feed on the blood of dogs, as well as many other different animal hosts, including people. They are one of the largest ticks living in the northeast region, with adults growing to half an inch in length after feeding.
These ticks are a reddish-brown color with white or yellow markings at their front end. Like all ticks, American dog ticks are wingless, adults have eight legs, and blood is their sole source of nutrition.
Are American Dog Ticks Dangerous?
American dog ticks can spread various diseases to both people and animals and, therefore, are a pest you want to limit contact with as much as possible. They can transmit tularemia, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Why Do I Have an American Dog Tick Problem?
Exposure to American dog ticks is most likely to occur during spring, summer, and early fall when their populations are at their highest and they are moving around looking for hosts to feed on. The biggest reason American dog ticks end up on your property is that they were brought there by stray pets or wild animals traveling across your yard.
Yards with tall grass, lots of vegetation, and wooded areas are most likely to experience problems with American dog ticks. These properties provide the required shade and moist soil necessary for them to develop from egg to adult. American dog ticks will feed on at least three animals throughout their lives. Females lay their eggs on the ground; when the tick hatches from the egg, it will crawl onto a host and feed for several days. After having their fill of blood, they drop to the ground to digest their meal and transform from nymph to larvae.
The hungry larva will find a new host to feed on, and when full, the tick will drop to the ground and develop into an adult. The new adult will crawl onto another host, and the females and males will mate, and the life cycle begins again.
Where Will I Find American Dog Ticks?
American dog ticks wait for hosts to come by along the edges of our Londonderry area trails and the sides of roads, crawling to the top of a piece of vegetation. Coming in contact with American dog ticks can happen when spending time in your yard, walking on the side of a road or a trail, or while at a dog park or campground.
American dog ticks are mainly pests you need to worry about outside your home in your yard because they do not survive well indoors.
How Do I Get Rid of American Dog Ticks?
Partner with Mosquito Busters to keep your property protected from American dog ticks and other outdoor pests. Ticks are both frustrating and dangerous; their presence means that you can’t thoroughly enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about coming into contact with these blood-feeding pests.
At Mosquito Busters, we protect families and their properties from becoming overrun by ticks. We offer tried-and-true tick control methods, which are affordable, highly effective, and always performed by our specially trained technicians. To learn more about our reliable tick control services in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, give us a call today!
How Can I Prevent American Dog Ticks in the Future?
As well as partnering with Mosquitoes Busters, the following prevention tips will help you avoid contact with American dog ticks.
- Avoid walking through areas with dense vegetation.
- After walking outside or spending time in wooded areas, always check yourself and your pets for ticks.
- Keep the grass in your yard short and remove areas of dense or overgrown vegetation.
- Cut tall grass back away from fence lines, porch steps, and the foundation of your home.
- Place your pets on a tick preventative program under the guidance of their veterinarian.
Learn more about our quality all-natural pest control products in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.