About Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a type of true fly and, like other flies, only have a single pair of wings. They can fly some distances, but they are not strong fliers and are easily thrown off course by a stiff breeze.
Other physical features of mosquitoes include long thin legs, an elongated proboscis (piercing mouthpart), and bodies covered in small scales. Culex pipiens mosquitoes are medium-sized and have a brownish-gray body, brown wings, and a proboscis.
Mosquitoes are best known for the itchy bites the females deliver in their quest for a blood meal. While female and male mosquitoes primarily feed on plant nectar, females have to have blood meals to get the protein they need to create healthy eggs.
Are Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes Dangerous?
In the past, the main target of Culex pipiens mosquitoes has been birds, but now they are targeting and are a big concern for people and other animals. While their bites are itchy and unpleasant, the main problem with mosquitoes is that they can spread diseases. Culex pipiens mosquitoes are the primary vector of St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, Western equine encephalitis, and in dogs, heartworm.
Why Do I Have a Culex Pipiens Mosquito Problem?
Taking only seven to ten days for Culex pipiens mosquitoes to develop from egg to adult, a mosquito problem can pop up in no time in any of our New England area yards. These insects will use any amount of standing water as a breeding site, and after hatching and developing, the adults tend to stay within a few hundred feet. Several mosquitoes can turn into hundreds of mosquitoes and then into thousands of mosquitoes in no time at all!
Where Will I Find Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes?
Culex pipiens mosquitoes are also called common house mosquitoes and are often the mosquitoes we find flying around our yards, and that wind up in our homes through open windows and doors.
Some common breeding sites that are in most suburban yards are listed below:
- Low-lying areas that collect rainwater
- Overwatered gardens
- Wading pools
- Tree holes
- Containers like buckets or flower pots
- Clogged gutters
- Trash cans
- The tops of tarps or inside the rims of old tires
Out in nature, these mosquitoes thrive in warm, wet habitats like densely wooded areas, near ponds or marshes, storm drains, and around drainage ditches.
How Do I Get Rid of Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are a concern for property owners in New England because they can quickly take over and limit your ability to enjoy your outdoor space! Partner with Mosquito Busters to keep your property protected from Culex pipiens mosquitoes and other outdoor pests.
With our help, you will be able to enjoy your backyard without the worry of being bitten by these pests. Through our traditional or all-natural treatment methods and the help of our specially trained technicians, you can significantly reduce your contact with mosquitoes. To learn more about our effective mosquito control services in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, give us a call today!
How Can I Prevent Culex Pipiens Mosquitoes in the Future?
As well as partnering with Mosquito Busters, the following prevention tips will help you limit your contact with Culex pipiens mosquitoes.
- Remove stagnant water from your yard where females can lay their eggs.
- Store containers that can collect rainwater upside down or inside when not being used.
- Regularly empty and refill water in wading pools and pet food dishes.
- If you own a pool or ornamental pond, make sure the water is continuously circulating.
- Make certain the screens in your windows and doors are secure and free of rips and tears.
- Never leave your home’s doors or windows propped open.
Learn more about our quality all-natural pest control products in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.