About Opossums

The opossum is the only marsupial species native to North America. Marsupials are mammals that have young that are born underdeveloped and finish developing in an external pouch found on their mother’s abdomen.
Physical characteristics of opossums:
- The size of a small cat
- Pointed face
- Pink nose
- Pointed hairless ears
- A long prehensile hairless tail
- Opposable thumbs on their hind feet
- Small sharp teeth
- A lighter-colored white face and darker gray bod
What Are Opossums?
Opossums are medium-sized marsupials, typically measuring 15–20 inches long, with an additional 10–20 inches for their prehensile tails. They have grayish fur, a white face, and pink noses and feet. Their distinctive tails are hairless and versatile, allowing them to grip branches and carry small items.
The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is the species most commonly found in Massachusetts. These nocturnal animals are highly adaptable and thrive in diverse environments, from forests to urban neighborhoods.
Are Opossums Dangerous?
Opossums are known to “play dead,” so steering clear of these animals is important whether they are up and active or just lying on the ground. Like other wild animals, opossums are unpredictable and will protect themselves when they feel threatened by biting or scratching.
Opossums have the ability to transmit many diseases, like leptospirosis and tularemia, to people through contact with their urine and feces or saliva.
In addition to causing health risks, opossums are damaging pests. They will damage lawns and gardens while foraging for food. If they move inside to burrow in attics or crawl spaces, they damage things like wires, cables, ductwork, and insulation.
Where Will I Find Opossums?
Opossums like to set up their habitat near water access. If you have a pond, stream, or drainage ditch on or near your property, you’re likely to see opossums. Field and wooded areas are also places these pests call home.
When opossums live in our yards, they burrow under things like decks, sheds, woodpiles, and brush piles. Since opossums like to use existing shelters to burrow within, our homes, sheds, and garages are places they frequent.
How Do I Get Rid of Opossums?
To get rid of opossums from your Massachusetts or New Hampshire property, trust the local professionals at Freedom Pest Control. We are dedicated to our customers and providing innovative, effective, and eco-friendly pest management.
To eliminate opossums, our knowledgeable professionals will trap and humanely remove opossums from your property. After the animals are removed, we will close up the openings they were using to gain access to your home, ensuring they won’t be able to enter inside in the future. To learn detailed information about our wildlife control services in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, reach out to Freedom Pest Control today and discover all that we have to offer.
How Can I Prevent Opossums in the Future?
Keeping pests like opossums away from your New England property is an ongoing task. The best way to accomplish your goal is to partner with a professional and implement the following prevention tips:
- Ensure there is no food or pet food outdoors to avoid attracting opossums and other wild animals to your property.
- Keep opossums out of your trash cans and compost bins by placing locking lids on them.
- Maintain your lawn and gardens and remove debris to limit hiding spots and foraging areas for opossums.
- Cut tree branches back away from your home’s roof.
- Repair roof damage.
- Keep shed and garage doors closed whenever possible.
- Inspect the exterior of your home, look for access points, and repair and close any openings discovered.
Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions.
Why Are Opossums Common in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts provides an ideal environment for opossums due to:
- Mild Winters: The state’s relatively moderate winters allow opossums, which are not cold-tolerant, to thrive.
- Urbanization: Suburban neighborhoods offer abundant food sources, such as garbage, pet food, and compost piles.
- Natural Habitats: Forested areas and wetlands provide excellent nesting and foraging opportunities.
How to Prevent Opossums Around Your Home
While opossums are generally harmless, it’s important to prevent them from becoming too comfortable near your property. Use these tips to minimize conflicts:
- Secure Trash Cans: Use tight-fitting lids or bungee cords to prevent access.
- Remove Food Sources: Clean up fallen fruit, pet food, and birdseed regularly.
- Seal Entry Points: Close gaps in attics, crawl spaces, and under porches with hardware cloth or mesh.
- Trim Vegetation: Keep shrubs and tree branches trimmed to reduce shelter opportunities.
- Install Fencing: Use low fencing or barriers to protect gardens and compost areas.